Table for One - my first solo safari

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Table for One - my first solo safari

Post by ExFmem »

Table for One - my first solo safari

Flight Attendant: "Cowabunga!"
2nd Flight Attendant:"Sacre' moo!"
3rd Flight Attendant: "Ma'am, you're not allowed to bring a Cape Buffalo as a carry-on item."
Me: "It's not a Cape Buffalo, it's my camera bag."

Hoisting my HEAVY camera bag into the overhead bin was a recurring problem throughout the six flights of my trip. I took it as a sign from above that I should seek out burly muscular men and play the damsel in distress in these situations. Not one to ignore such divine guidance, I did just that, and all was right with my world.

As I often do between trips, I was daydreaming about our next visit to South Africa, and wishing it weren't so far away. Then the simple question popped into my mind - Why Wait? So, in the spirit of the South Africans I have come to hold dear, I "MADE A PLAN".

I began channelling my inner "nan", "arks", and all the other single females that make that trek by themselves. If they can do it, so can I!

Kgalagadi, HERE I COME!


As this trip was a late decision, I was not able to get into the smaller camps except for Grootkolk.


The journey to the KTP from here takes about 20 hours in airports/planes, an overnight at a hotel, another flight to Upington, a couple hours to shop for provisions, and finally the 3 hour drive to TweeR. A LONG time, but upon arrival, worth every minute.

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Re: Table for One - my first solo safari

Post by ExFmem »

The car rental saga took a bit longer than usual, as we always decline the insurance due to SO's Am.Exp. benefits, and don't need to listen to the agent's spiel outlining all the coverage available. Needing coverage, I was a captive audience of one.

Agent: "We offer headlight replacement, tire puncture waiver, windscreen protection,….. bug splatter forgiveness, bird droppings less than 10 cms forgiveness, catastrophic damage against meteors, alien abductions, sinister forces, and Acts of God, such as suicidal angels and targeted lightning strikes on non-believers….the Loch Ness monster, submarines, and falling coconuts"

I suspect somewhere in the small print it stated, as a Bonus, if I accept all this extra coverage, I'll be the proud new owner of an ostrich farm.

I declined the offer of swamp land in Florida, as I already own some of that.

After all those wheelings and dealings, I was too dazed to read all the fine print, but one section caught my attention:

Me: "What's this about arbitration and taking my first born?? Can I substitute my SO instead?"
(This was sounding like a pretty good deal, to be honest.)
Agent: "No, no, we've met your SO, so never mind that part. Just sign here."

So I did, and I was on my merry way....WOO HOO!!!

I have the driving on the "wrong" side of the road down pretty well, but the car signal confusion was immediately apparent. The lights, blinkers, and windshield wiper/washer controls are on OPPOSITE sides from the configuration in the USA. And I'm left-handed to confound matters even further.

To save face, whenever I push the wrong lever, I just pretend that's what I had intended. So every time I want to wash the windshield, I'm forced to make a turn, usually left. I went round and round in circles until I finally figured that one out. Only problem, when I actually WANTED to make a turn, I ended up with a very clean windshield, but had to continue on straight. At least I could clearly see I was lost.

After seeing a bit more of Upinton than I had planned on, I arrived at TweeR without any further ado.

Beautiful, wet, and colorful this time of year, I couldn't wait to find new treasures I hadn't seen in our usual late winter/spring visits.





It seemed to be hartebeest dueling season, as well, and there were a number of jousting matches going on.





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Re: Table for One - my first solo safari

Post by nan »

you did it... alone ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

rental car, other side of the road, bad side of controls hand-lever etc... =O:
and now, here I still confuse them 0-

still very green and in bloom, after my visit O/\
love the result of the "seduction" O\/

magnificent montages and pictures ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

can't wait for the suite 0()

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Re: Table for One - my first solo safari

Post by Richprins »

Yay! Glad you could make it, Ex! O0 X#X

What great pics a and hilarious storytelling!...swamp owner, you say? =O: =O: =O:


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Re: Table for One - my first solo safari

Post by harrys »

I have to come on this trip it's gonna be a blast ^Q^ ^Q^

Beautiful photos of plants and animals ^Q^ ^Q^

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Re: Table for One - my first solo safari

Post by Dewi »

=O: =O: =O:

I had a good giggle at your insurance small print this morning. \O

Love the butterfly montage. ^Q^

Nice to see hartebeest behaviour. Stunning pics of them. O/\

Looking forward to more here. 0()


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Re: Table for One - my first solo safari

Post by Lisbeth »

What a great surprise O/\ O/\

I simply love your TTs as they are always so gay and a good laugh comes in handy when your mood is at floor level ^Q^ ^Q^

Green grass and flowers O:V


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Re: Table for One - my first solo safari

Post by Pumbaa »

What a great start, ExFmem, \O

with lots of brilliant shots already and the entertaining writing style :ty: 0()


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Re: Table for One - my first solo safari

Post by stefan9 »

Thx for sharing. Looking forward to reading more. 0()

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Re: Table for One - my first solo safari

Post by ExFmem »

nan - I SO admire your get-up-and-go spirit, and have for many years. What a role model for females to just make your own dreams become reality. Even in the face of all the adversity on your trip this year, you persevered, learned, and grew because of it. 0/0 0/0

RP - yep, proud swamp owner here 0- We have 10 acres of land, 6 of which are wetlands/transition zone habitat that we declared as a Conservation Easement, which means it must remain untouched/undeveloped in perpetuity. Wonderful critters seen like bobcats, rattlesnakes (this afternoon), turtles, quail, otters, and even an alligator on 2 occasions.

harrys - thanks for joining!

Dewi - I'll appreciate any bird IDs/corrections should they be needed. O0 ..0.. Maybe I'll do an entry here on "What's the Animal Saying?" since you're so funny with those. ^Q^

Lis - always so supportive, maybe I'll nickname you "Sis" :yes:

Pumbaa - 0/* I've come to the conclusion you actually LIVE in Kruger with so many wonderful entries in your TT.

stefan9 - welcome to AW. (I feel your pain on the SP Forum and the apps issue. Pity) Now let's hear one of YOUR TTs X#X

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