Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP (March 2012) *

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Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP (March 2012) *

Post by Mel »

Less than one week to go and SO and I are on our way to South Africa again!!!

After the last major work commitment being done and dusted since Friday afternoon,
I finally can start getting excited about our trip big time.ImageImageImage And when I get excited, I need to write it down to manage the adrenalin rushing through my system. Image

I don't remember exactly when and where we made the decision not to go to KTP this time around, but we felt that it was time to honour a different park. KNP was discussed, but only briefly. We just find it too full and overcrowded and we weren't brave Image enough to venture to the north of the park. BUT we wanted to see ellies again, so Addo seemed the place to go! Now with the trip coming up soon, I’m not sure anymore whether this was the right decision or not as I have a little devil Image inside me telling me that a trip to SA without having been to KTP is just not right. However I still very much look forward to getting back to Addo again. Hope you get my drift. Image

One of the things I’m really in a flap about is meeting Ronnie who generously offered to show SO and I and another friend of ours around in Addo. Image

Our itinerary is as follows:

23rd March – Take off
24th March – Bontebok
25th and 26th March – Addo, Matyholweni Camp
27th to 29th March – Addo, Main Camp
30th and 31st March – Mountain Zebra
1st April – Karoo
2nd to 6th April – Cape Town

On my top priority list:
Ellies, ellies and more ellies (If we should get so lucky to meet the famous Vallie Moosa, I wouldn’t be opposed either. Image )
A caracal
A blackie
Some of the Addo lions

But that doesn’t mean, I’d shun the rest of the gang. Image

Watching the industrious dung beetle, for example, is a very enjoyable pasttime as well:


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Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

Post by Mel »


Did I mention the ellies already? :-?

I'm so looking forward to sitting at Hapoor Dam and waiting for the Krauts, oops, the crowds to arrive:

And then just watching the noisy and the tranquil ones:

The undecided...

...and the determined:

4 sleepies to go until the adventure can begin!

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Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

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Sooo, here we go before I get a *ban*


After a night spent on the plane we arrived tired and not so fresh smelling in Cape Town. While SO went to sort out our rental car, I got on my way to pick up our pre-ordered and pre-paid brand new South African SIM card.

We hit the road well in time – or so we thought. Stupidly enough we had decided to do our grocery shopping in the Somerset West Mall. That set us back almost 2 hours as the supermarkets were teeming with shoppers on a Saturday afternoon. Image

Our first stop was Bontebok and we just made gate closing time, arriving at only 6.45 pm. The check-in process went smoothly with an ever so friendly member of staff who would do most to get those nervous and agitated Germans Image down to earth again.

Bontebok lived up to its name and provided us with a Bontebok as a first sighting within the park boundaries. No photo though as the cameras were still neatly stowed away. We spent a blissful night in the park, enjoying the sounds of nature and the African sky and we both agreed that our last minute choice to go to Bontebok rather than to stay in a B+B somewhere along the N2 had been a very wise one. So we settled for our first braai Image and first Castles on African soil.

The next morning started off early and with me chasing the birds in the camp while Spots was getting ready for the day.

Fiscal Flycatcher:

The bokmakierie and I didn’t really become good friends. I don’t know how many I saw over the course of the trip but this little beggar :twisted: just didn’t want me to take a decent photo of it. Never. Image

Cape Weaver:

Yellow Canary:

Greater Stripe Swallow:

Cape Robin-Chat:

Cape Wagtail:

4 new ticks within the first hour of the day – not a bad omen for what was to come over the next week. Image Included in these new ticks is also an Acacia Pied Barbet, but the photo is too hideous to post…

On our way out we first travelled a bit towards the Die Stroom picnic area:


Before we took the one way route towards reception:

Gamewise it was rather quiet, but at least I got to see the emblem of the park:

Even a youngster:

And paired up with another usual suspect:
Image Image

We left the park around 9ish to tackle the journey to Addo.

Although we hadn’t spent much time in Bontebok, our impression was that it is a beautiful, laid back place to go – perfect to unwind and great for those people who love mountain biking, hiking, fishing, birding or just unwinding.

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Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

Post by Mel »

And Acacia Pied Barbet would look like this


if one knew how to handle one's camera properly, RP.

Dewi, I got like 50 or more lifers on this trip.
But I kinda get the feeling that some will be shattered by some expert birder(s) here. -O

Lis, originally we hadn't planned to go at all.
So a bit more than 12 hours in the park are much better than staying at any B&B any given time!

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Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

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After what seemed to us a never ending road trip we arrived at Addo gate around 4 pm. Again we experienced a smooth check-in with another very forthcoming lady at the reception. But before we could proceed into the park we actually had to do some more grocery shopping. So off to Colchester is was and boy, that shopping was heaven on earth compared to the day before. You must know that I hate grocery shopping – no matter which country I am in.

When we arrived at our first camp we were absolutely gobsmacked by the fantastic accommodation. There are only two things wrong about this camp: the DSTV :twisted: and the fact the fridge offered only a freezer compartment which was way too small to get our beers cold. :twisted:

Despite the fact that it had got quite late by now, we immediately headed out again for a late afternoon game drive in order to find us some ellies. The first sightings however was a dung beetle! \O

What a beautiful dung ball…

… I shall seize that!

Ha, forget about it – it’s gonna be mine!

Get lost, you two beggars!

Next up was a steppe buzzard, one of the very few animals - two legged or four legged, furry or feathered - on this trip that actually didn’t mind me taking photos.


Which cannot be said about the ever moving kudus. Here’s the first of the slightly blurred series...


We managed to get as far as Vukani and Mbotyl loop. On the first we saw our first elands ever, alas too far in the distance and with the light being poor and mist in the air I didn’t even consider trying to get some photos, hoping I’d be able to catch them on one of the other days. With the elands there were zebras, ostriches, hartebeest and more kudus. But they too were very far off.
On the Mbotyl loop we found a considerably big herd of buffs roaming and settled to watch them. The pics are not brilliant due the conditions described above, but they serve as a proof (as many others that are going to follow in this TR).

A part of the group:

Some grumpy individuals:

Mommy, I love you!

Now are there more drinks at the milkbar?

Right! :evil: Got that. No more drinks.

But can we at least please go now? Those ugly looking animals in the tins are scaring!

Please? Pretty please?

As more and more cars were arriving at the scene and Spots and I feeling the need for solitude we left to return to the camp. It was getting dark by now and we were surprised that the gate closing times hadn’t been amended to this fact. But we were still early enough to venture on to Ndlovu lookout point. And there they were! 8-) Our first ellies in Addo Elephant National Park. Quite far away, but still visible with the mere eye. The ellies were about to make their way up over a hill towards the main road. So we decided to try to catch them on the main road for a closer look. We managed to find them again in a clearing between the dense vegetation on the southern part of the park.

They came into the road


and started feeding on the bushes next to it. Some speeding moron almost bumped into them as he was racing back to the camp. O/

On our way back we found a spotted eagle owl feeding on something in the middle of the road. But by the time we had arranged torch and camera it had gone to some safer pastures...

The evening ended with a braai and a few Castles. Although not under the African sky as it was bleeding cold outside with a slight drizzle moisting the air. And we thought we had come to warmer pastures… Eish!

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Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

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Luckily the skies had cleared up by the next morning and we were able to absorb the beautiful colours of the morning. Spots had donned his hideously coloured lion magnet shirt. Image
We were on a mission! Image

First down was a red-necked spurfowl (Tick!)

First up was a speckled mousebird (Tick!)

Then a hoepoe (Tick on the standing crest... )
Ronnie, remember that you asked if I had got one of these and that I had answered ‘No’?
I didn’t remember this shot anymore. :oops:

And a sombre greenbul (Tick!)

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Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

Post by Mel »

On Ngulube loop we found a mouse warming up on a branch of a small bush.

And one of her offspring.

And then the birds flew in:

Pied crow (Tick as in finally having photo.)

Glossy starling

And our first jackal buzzard (Tick!)

Quickly followed by a juvenile form

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Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

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Somewhere in the middle of the loop we found some vervets trying to heat up in the morning sun after a rather cold night.

This one was pouting. Image It had obviously been given a time-out Image as it was a further away from the group:

Whereas this one said its morning prayer as told by mum:

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Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

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Then we were treated to our next close ellie encounter. Back then we still had a lot of respect for them in terms of being scared that they could charge. But Addo ellies or nothing like the Kruger ellies and most of the time they are well behaved and let you study them until your eyes hurt! Image

Anyhoo, this one was munching peacefully at the side of the road, but gave us a warning eye - or so we thought - and made us back up quickly.


In fact, he had only turned around to walk over to the side where the bushes were supposingly greener. And who said that males can’t do several things at a time? Image


WARNING: Do not let children watch the next post unattended!!! Image

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Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

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And then he started doing funny things with his fifth leg or second trunk, take your pick. Image


As suddenly as he had started this business, he stopped again when he noticed a small family appearing in the clearing next to him:


Pleasantries were exchanged:



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