And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....*

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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

We were about to eat when we spotted some extreme colourful grasshoppers in a captious situation


and needless to say that our meat nearly burnt because we could not drag ourselves away from that spectacle



and before we finally ended at our dinner table Mrs. bushbuck paid also a visit and even presented her little one.


After that thrilling day we still sat quite a long time outside simply enjoying the evening and we even got a visit of a genet but when we got our cameras right same disappeared and did not return.

Wednesday, 18th February, 2015 – Biyamiti

Roads we paid a visit today: S139 – S25 – H4-2 – S130 – H5 – S108 – S26 – S102 – H5 – S25 – S 139

It was still extreme dark when we left the gate but we had already a car in front of us out of which the passenger’s behaviour perplexed us. It were two younger men who already shown with a torch into a bush right via-à-vis the gate and we already thought they were on their private sunrise drive when they suddenly stopped and took one or two shots and then I also realized what they just had discovered it was a cheetah but unfortunately the minute we stopped the car the cheetah disappeared.

They must have seen the cheetah whilst standing at the gate walking under that bush or they made a sunset drive yesterday evening and already had the honour in meeting same then and knew it would stay in the vicinity of the camp otherwise I cannot explain why they already knew where to search for same. Needless to say that we still waited a while but as the cheetah did not show up again we continued and enjoyed instead a brilliant sunrise.


The private road was somehow deserted and only on the S25 we saw a small elephant herd crossing the road in front of us in a hurry


and a bit further we met a beautiful black shouldered kite which is in fact a rare sighting for us and did not come across that very often in Kruger.


Also the duikers spoiled us this year with their presence as I cannot remember having seen that much of them as during this year


We must have disturbed a relaxing elephant bull in a thick bush but after he calmed down, he started feeding again.



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

More and more of the “general” game appeared and we also came across giraffes, zebras,


and even warthogs in a row.


Then we had a more than lovely sighting of a side-striped jackal family consisting of 2 adults and one nearly grown pup and on top this was at one of our favourite spots as when coming from Biyamiti on the S25 a bit behind the turn off to the Hippo pools there is a medium sized waterhole / pond and we normally do stop there for a short break but today we even had a fantastic reason to even stay longer there. Needless to say that the younger one was extreme active and obviously had slept long enough that night and wanted some adventures


whereas its parents simply wanted to continued their nap and only lifted their heads from time to time in order to check what junior had just eroded.


As the said pond carried a lot of water there was a lot of bird activity around and the first noisy bird with its unmistakably call who showed up was a woodland kingfisher so we had again bird entertainment on top of that side striped jackal sighting and for me it is once again the prove that when standing at a waterhole and let the animals come you will see more than when driving the whole day around in the park at least you also need a bit of luck as well.



A couple of cars arrived as well from both directions either from Crocodile Bridge or also from our direction but all just looked around realized “only” a jackal and carried on


and we had again the jackals all to ourselves and whilst not only the adults but also our younger jackal friend got invisible because they laid down we switched over to the woodland kingfisher who was busy in catching something for breakfast.


to be continued....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Suddenly the smaller jackal appeared again. The area where the jackals rested had a lot of ditches and consequently from time to time also small hills and all was covered by grass and so when the jackal was standing on a “hill” we had an excellent view and when same was digging in a ditch we in fact saw nothing but waving grass.


Whilst checking out the bushes near to the pond we also noticed a white faced duck peeping through the thick vegetation close to the water. At least we had a lot to see as also our smaller jackal found something to chew on in one of the ditches and


whilst Timon was busy in photographing the jackals I scanned again the pond and even found a lesser moorhen although same nearly stayed very well hidden.


After we stayed now for nearly one hour already the jackal pup got tired and returned to where Mom or Dad where lying and checked out their mood and even joined them


at least we had a more than fantastic morning with even brilliant light and lovely sunshine and on top that gorgeous side striped jackal sighting. After nothing more happened and we got our shots we carried on


and found a lapped faced vulture sitting on a dead tree busy with its morning toilet.


Impalas also crossed our path and then it was Burchall’s coucal time as same positioned itself so brilliantly Timon could not resist in stopping and pressing more than one time the button.


I cannot help but I found these birds simply beautiful and we do always get excited when hearing or even better could capture them at least when not hiding in thick bushes as they normally love to do.


Needless to say that it took again a bit longer until we finally reached Crocodile Bridge camp for a very well needed pit stop and even an ice cream was also well earned we thought so.


We already decided not to drive that much today and visit instead Mpondo dam again as there we only stayed once so far and also on top the waterholes turned out during this trip to be a hotspot in watching animals and on our way to Mpondo which in fact was still a long way to go we came across a ground hornbill family catching grasshoppers in the grass


and also later one of them caught a smaller snake as well and carried same very proudly around. We had the honour in spending time with a grazing rhino



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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and I got as well my daily giraffe fix even with some nice close ups.


“This is my breakfast!”


Needless to say that also the obligatory impala could be seen


and although this lone buffalo had a sore eye he was an impressive appearance.


From the H-2 you can reach via a smaller loop a lovely riverbed were we decided to stay a bit and to enjoy the birdlife and we were not disappointed as although a bit far away and always very active a group of red faced mousebirds showed up


and also some other birdies paid a visit. After a lovely break we continued our way and saw another one of the plentiful monitors we had the honour in spotting this year


and we not saw only one but there was another one around.


Another warthog family came across searching for some fallen marulas


and also more lone buffaloes could not be overlooked.


The road to Mpondo itself is for us always an extreme non-productive and monotonous road either way you chose and so we in fact did not see that much until we nearly reached Mpondo where we spotted on the left hand side another pond filled up with lot of water and there we could at least satisfy our birding soul and could admire another green backed heron


in stalking mood.


to be continued....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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We noticed another movement between the reeds and same turned out to be a black crake.


The water already smelled a bit like brackish water although our two feathered friends enjoyed same very much and we enjoyed the presence of them as they did not let themselves disturbed by our presence and also by some other cars which arrived.


The green-backed heron managed to somehow caught a huge frog and I could not realize that the heron could swallow same as when we left it still struggled with the frog.


Love the huge feet of the small black crake.


The dam itself was a more than lovely place as if the drive to the dam would not always be that monotonous


Besides this adorable sleeping beauty lot of resting impalas came across and soon Timon nearly captured them all


and some of them even carried some hitchhikers with them.


Somehow we in fact did not see that much on our way back to camp and so we had time to put the feet up a bit and enjoy the birdlife in camp with a freshly brewed coffee in hand and it in fact did not take long until we spotted a couple of plum coloured starlings out of which he was feeding on some fallen red fruit from a tree close to our bungalow



whereas she preferred meat in form of maggots.



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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We heard and saw a lot of woodland kingfishers and even noticed a speckled mousebird


and a very curious and cute squirrel.


Needless to say that I was over the moon when noticing two black collared barbets


and more birdies wanted to be captured as well. I simply love those afternoons in camp without any driving and they become more and more a must to do for me.


An elephant also paid a visit close to the fence and peacefully started the drinking and splashing procedure


and later even the feeding.


Timon checked out a permanent knocking and found the culprit in form of a woodpecker and then it was again time for our afternoon drive which leaded us into the direction of the Biyamiti weir and we even calculated a bit more time for the drive and left camp already around 15.00 o’clock as in that direction the road is extreme long, winding and hilly and we wanted to spend as much time on same as possible and we already saw some giraffes


and in the same tree as already yesterday our verreaux giant eagle owl friend were in the mood to pose


for some pictures


and even looked extreme interested into the huge lens of Timon’s camera.


to be continued...

but only end of August as we will be away from tomorrow onwards for two weeks due to summer vacation in denmark O\/ O\/ O\/


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Today we also had luck as the owl had chosen a branch at least for us which was simply perfect with no leaves hiding the feathered beauty.


Needless to say that we once again stayed extreme long and nearly at the end the owl also needed a bit of stretching to be ready for the night’s hunt.


The further ride on that road until we reached Biyamiti weir was quiet and as also not much to be seen at the weir besides some hippos on eye level we turned again around


and drove slowly back to camp, the sun already started to go down and the light was simply perfect now and so the white backed vulture in a dead tree simply had to be captured.


We also came across a family of ground hornbills out of which the younger one dared to cross the street


whereas the older ones were searching for something to bite in the green grass.



Somehow also the rush hour started again carwise and also animalwise and besides the many cars which came across also two lovely rhinos dared to show up only to disappear quickly again in the dense vegetation.


Then we met again our verreaux giant eagle owl and same meanwhile flew down to the ground and obviously hunted the dung beetles on the ground as only deserted dung balls could be seen around the owl.



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Meanwhile even on this private road a traffic jam built up and soon the owl was surrounded by cars which still left the camp and the ones which were already back from their drive as we were.


We heard the permanent calling of the one which we still could not locate and finally as some cars wanted to pass they chased the owl away from the ground and same landed again in a tree and finally answered the calls of its buddy.


Although it was still a bit time left before the gate was said to be closed we returned to camp as tomorrow was already moving day for us and so we ended our last hours in Biyamiti with another lovely braai and a visit of bushbuck mom and her little one.


Thursday, 19th February, 2015 – Biyamiti – Skukuza

Roads we travelled along on that day: S139 – S23 – S114 – H1-1 – S65 – S1 – H11 – S42 – H-4-1 – H12 – H1-2 – S83

As always when leaving a camp it felt as if this stay was far too short and I always do wonder how fast the time is flying by – This feeling is getting even more worse the older you get.

Due to the thickness of the road when leaving camp it is always much darker than it originally is and so the light was not the best when we left the camp and the burchall’s coucal which came across first looked a bit pale.


When this giraffe could be seen the light was already far better


especially when you made it through the hilly and winding part of that road and so also the birdlife could also be seen better.


Somehow all the other people who stayed in Biyamiti either slept longer today or chose to drive into the other direction as we were the only ones and we had the road all to ourselves and so those cute dwarf mongoose dared to come back when Timon switched the engine off


as they normally do but with already two other cars in the neck we often deny ourselves to stop especially on such a narrow road but due to the fact that no other car was behind us we had the honour in looking in such a cute face


The mongoose even came a bit closer to inspect extensively what we were doing or maybe we had in mind to do.


to be continued....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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It was simply too gorgeous to spot these little critters. The next stop we made for a still very sleepy Egyptian goose sitting in a dead tree,


the woodland kingfishers were noisy as always and this white backed vulture obviously spent the night on that tree as this might have been the same one we saw already during our afternoon drive yesterday.


A not so often bird which is always a pleasure to see is the African hoopoe and same even was extreme patient in letting Timon press the button whilst staying on the ground.


Then we were facing the Biyamiti weir again and I already noticed that this was already the final visit there during that trip. Lots of water dikkops and Egyptian goose could be seen and all were still extreme sleepy.

A pair of pied wagtails was busy in collecting nesting material and were about to build their nest right at the edge of the weir under a dead branch.


More Egyptian goose landed and joined the others and their announcement was an extreme noisy spectacle.

We then spotted a group of four rhinos also still in sleeping modus but when we arrived one of them got a bit uneasy and stood up


and then the others followed same slowly.


It must have been a family plus another one and I simply do love such many of them together


and gladly they often waited to let the others follow as well and so we had some great photographic opportunities.


Then we had the honour in meeting a pair of klipspringers balancing on top of some koppies and for me it is always such a pleasure when they do come across



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

and I am then always fascinated about how agile they are able to climb these huge rocks and what let me think even more is how they will come down again?


He wanted even higher above and after a couple of minutes she followed as well.


What a great way to admire such gorgeous couple and you can be rest assured that we stayed with them until they disappeared completely.

Then the first safari vehicle also arrived and they must have woken up another group of sleeping rhinos in the thick bush


gladly they soon returned into the bush and started feeding. We soon carried on and were facing ourselves eye in eye at least nearly with two hyaenas who came running towards us in high speed.


It were two adults and in fact not the beautiful animals on Earth but for me they are one of the most fascinating ones – Today they were in a hurry and had not time for a quick stop.


Pity was when one of the hyaenas intended to take a quick cooling in one still existing puddle another car arrived and blocked the view as this is still one thing on my wish list to watch a bathing hyaena – Well, maybe next time.


Later on I understood why the other car wanted to escape as suddenly a grey giant was facing us and blocked the road with such a joy at least for him.


Under no circumstances he was willing to clear the road but the longer we waited in an adequate distance for sure he must got bored by only blowing the dust with his trunk up and finally he walked to the road side and started feeding.


Gladly he was once again one of the gentle ones and whilst he was munching happily away we dared to cross his path and Timon once again stopped in taking a couple of shots and that is when I always got nearly heart attacks when such a giant is so close.


to be continued.....


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