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Quick visit to Hluhluwe/Imfolozi*

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 6:11 pm
by puppy
We spent a month with our kids in Kokstad recently and from there did a few short trips to places in KZN one being a quick visit to Hluhluwe/Imfolozi.

We were up at five this morning and ready to leave by quarter to six. It was freezing but I knew the weather would warm up as the day progressed so dressed in cargo pants, a short-sleeve shirt, jersey and jacket. I wore socks with my slip on shoes and had an extra jacket to cover my knees. By the time we got to Gateway it was hot and I had to remove the socks, jersey and jacket!
We had breakfast at a local coffee shop – I had a tomato and mushroom omelette. Earl had fried eggs, sausage bacon and toast and jam. I couldn’t finish my omelette although it was not particularly rich. I was full for the rest of the day! Earl got hungry at lunchtime and had to have a snack.
We entered the park at the Imofolozi gate at 12:30. We did not go straight to Hilltop camp but did an extra drive instead. We found zebra, giraffe, nyala, buffalo, rhino at a distance, impala and a number of birds.
A white-crested helmet-shrike was a good find
some lazy buffs
A beautiful zebra
A distant rhino
Another herd of sleepy buffs
We checked in at Hilltop and were impressed with the efficiency. Our chalet – 26 – is lovely. It is set among the trees and we soon had a couple of monkeys visiting.
Lovely bedroom
Earlybird on the stoep
At supper time we went to the restaurant and enjoyed a delicious buffet. The roast was impala – a bit over cooked but the rest of the food – chicken curry and a variety of vegetables was good. The starters included vegetable soup, tuna salad and calamari. We had the tuna and calamari – delicious. I skipped all carbs and indulged rather in creamed spinach and other vegetables. I felt that I overate as I was soon feeling very full. I had a cup of coffee and Earl had dessert.
Great restaurant
Excellent food

Re: Quick visit to Hluhluwe/Imfolozi

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:09 pm
by puppy
We overslept this morning. I did not set the alarm because I thought I would easily wake up! But last night’s coffee caused me to struggle to fall asleep and then once I was asleep I couldn’t wake up!
In spite of this we were out the gate by 6:15. What a successful morning we had. We came across a small traffic jam – two cars and a jeep jockey – the latter on the opposite side of the road. As we approached I looked into the bush and saw two lionesses. But that is not what the cars ahead were looking at – they had 5 lion on a buffalo kill. Wow! There was one male a lioness and some cubs. Earl pulled up next to the car on the left and I managed to see what was happening although he could not see anything. When a car of Chinese tourist arrived we reversed to allow them to take our place and Earl pulled in behind the car on the left and waited a few minutes. Our patience paid off when they considerately took their pics and left. There was now just the one car in front of us, the tourists and the jeep jockey.
Daddy Lion had been resting and the younger members of the pride were getting their share
but then he decided he was still hungry.
He did not chase the youngsters and females away.
Mom was exhausted
Ooh this is delicious
This is the best part
Very tasty
May I leave the table now?
The jeep jockey did not move. The Chinese tourists managed to get a good look but could not move past the jeep jockey. At this point more cars started arriving as well as two more jeep jockeys. The car in front of us finally left and we were about to follow when a jeep jockey pulled in front of us on the wrong side of the road! I gave her hand signals to move and finally she complied!
We continued on our trip and were delighted to find rhino and other creatures before we returned to Hilltop for breakfast.
After a delicious brekkie of eggs, bacon, creamed mushrooms etc. we made our way to Mpila Camp. The sightings were not prolific but we saw baboons, giraffe, zebra, impala, more rhino and some birds. After a brief walk around Mpila campsite we did the loop and found rhino, giraffe, zebra and impala as well as some birds.
The grooming team
White-fronted bee-eater
African Pied Wagtail
Back at Mpila we met a couple in the play park where some warthog were grazing. They’d had a fabulous day as they’d been our and about in the area in the early morning – best time for game viewing. The animals are definitely more prolific in Imfolozi.
On our return we found a lioness, some rhino and a single elephant. We also found a hamerkop and a black-crowned night heron in the river.
In the evening we went to the restaurant for dinner and once again it was excellent. Only this time the staff entertained us with some Zulu dancing and singing which was really fun. What an amazing thing to do. It really impressed the tourists.