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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:12 am
by Bushcraft
Straight into the 2 kings O:V One with a high pressure hose :shock:

Excited buff =O:

Great nightjar O\/

Serval ^0^ Awesome sighting and to get pics is fantastic ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ :-0

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:32 pm
by Lisbeth
Great to have you back, Heksie O0

You had lots of lovely sightings of the ones that I like \O

and the night drive....The serval makes me :-0 :-0

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:41 pm
by Toko
:shock: Nightjar
:shock: Serval
:shock: Wet road and soaked animals
:shock: Horizontal spray mark
:shock: and a post with many photos (please can you limit the next one to 10 or 15? 0/0 0/0 0/0 )

Such a stress to admire all this and take photos etc =O:

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 11:48 am
by Pumbaa
WoW about the serval, Heksie - Also still high on my wishlist after we only spotted a glimpe of one so far \O

Love also the wet lion and the muddy buffaloes O/\ O/\ O/\

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:30 pm
by Heksie
:ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty:

Toko (not to worry, I made sure the next posts will be within the limit) 0:

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:45 pm
by Heksie
Day 30… to Satara and back again

9 January

Some friends were staying up North and they are two very special people (Barry and Hilda), so we organised to have a get together at Satara that morning. It meant that we had a long drive planned today and we had an early morning as well.
We left the camp at 4:30 and took the H10 straight to Tshokwane, I do like taking this road early in the morning as most of the other people prefer taking the H4-2 or H4-1. We had no one on the road and there were an abundance of wildlife.
We had BBJ, a lot of ellies, general game and this beautiful kudu…


Then when we passed the Muntshe loop, we got a special sighting waiting in the road…



If you look closely you will see that she has one eye missing…


She was all over the road…



And after about 30 minutes she stood up and strolled into the grass next to us, what then happened was a first for us. She started eating grass. We couldn’t get kiekies of that but it was definitely a first for us. We were then joined by another car and then the male decided to go feast on the grass as well. But it seems that he didn’t like it that much…


After an hour of kitty bliss we moved on as we still had a long way to go…
Just after Nkumbe look-out point we had a bit of an ellie jam. These bulls were having a wrestling match. We had to wait a few minutes as my paranoid passengers were too afraid and didn’t allow me to pass them.


We also got some birdies along the way: Green-winged Pytilia


And some European Rollers


Just before Satara we got some buffalo and this one had huge horns on him.


We parked and then went to the restaurant area where we found the lovely couple under the fever trees checking out some birdlife. I got an ice cold KPA and joined them. We had some slap chips for lunch and kuiered with them, I believe till 15:00? Then it was time to say our goodbyes. It was great seeing them in the Park and listening to all their stories, they had a birthday to attend in Skuks in a few days and we were so green as we had to leave very soon. But that is how the cookie crumbles.
Just before we left we had to go search for the resident scopsie and I got a view of him… Was strange seeing him looking down on me.


On our way down we saw this vervet, and it seemed that this was the thing that we all should do in this heat instead of driving round in a stuffed up car...


We arrived back in camp just before the gate closed and we were totally knackered. But it was time to start the fire and I poured myself a big glass of Amarula over ice. Another fantastic day was finished with amazing sightings and great people.

To be continued…

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:20 pm
by Richprins
Luvverly! ^Q^

That buffalo will get 100ponder very excited! :twisted:

Good pics, Heks! \O

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:16 pm
by Lisbeth
The vervet is doing the right thing and the scops will do the same in a moment lol

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:20 pm
by nan
love the little Vervet =O: ^Q^
and the Owl O\/ ^Q^
and the grimace of the ion O-/

^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:09 pm
by Pumbaa
Love the road blocking lions, Heksie ^Q^

and the green winged pytilia O\/