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Re: If it's Tuesday it must be Bali

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:00 am
by Flutterby
Looks great iNdy...but who are you really? :shock: To get royal treatment like that, you must be someone very special!!! 0'

Re: If it's Tuesday it must be Bali

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:26 am
by Bushcraft
Great stuff iNdy ^Q^ ^Q^

Rather expensive for a few dops :shock: eish
found myself between 2 rather pretty Aussie lasses off to Bali on a surfing holiday. A pity the flight was only 2 1/2 hours.
Did you con them that you once surfed =O: =O:

Re: If it's Tuesday it must be Bali

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:53 am
by nan
all the pretty Aussie come on the beach... to surf... bar's surf ;-)

Re: If it's Tuesday it must be Bali

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:27 pm
by Mel
Cool runnings -O

An entertaining read - as usual. Not sure if your SO would say the same though,
considering what you have to say about the girls from Oz. O**

Re: If it's Tuesday it must be Bali

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:44 pm
by Dewi
Nice one iNdy. \O

And heres me thinking beer was expensive over here. :shock: -O

Re: If it's Tuesday it must be Bali

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:14 pm
by iNdlovu
Thanks guys, Mellie, SO is cool with my chirping about girls, she knows everyone is safe. It's one of the nice things about getting old, the girls aren't afraid to stop and chat, they don't feel threatened. O** O**

Re: If it's Tuesday it must be Bali

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:50 pm
by Bushcraft
And they call you Oom =O: =O: =O: X#X

Re: If it's Tuesday it must be Bali

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:25 pm
by iNdlovu
=O: =O: =O: Not the Ausies

Re: If it's Tuesday it must be Bali

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:53 pm
by iNdlovu
Wednesday 15th continued

Along with our passports we each were handed an ice cold towel at reception to wipe the very sweaty brow and neck, relief for a few moments. No checking in requirements, we were handed our room access card and hussled off to a beautifully airconditioned restaurant where, if you can believe it, I ordered an organic, natural lichi flavoured Iced tea :o0ps: Pretty tasty for an old beer soak like me. A fine lunch of cold Lobster tails and mayonnaise followed with some rabbit food that I avoided and on completion, each one of us was escorted by a smiling staff member to our rooms. Our luggage had already been placed there and unpacked for us. :shock:
All of this was far too good and you would have known that something would eventually go wrong for cigarette lighter was empty. O/ O/ Nothing to it but to brave the heat and take a walk up to the many little designer shops in the resort where I found a drug store that sold lighters, problem solved, I hightailed it back to the room for some shut eye, jet lag supreme.

My room had a view

Alarms have to be the most hated pieces of equipment in this situation but at 18:00 I was brought rudely awake by one of these contraptions, a beach party/dinner was on the program for us. Freshly showered and suitably attired in light pants and shirt I set off to find the venue. This resort is huge and I got myself horribly turned around, so I stopped to ask a staff member for directions. no trouble for him, he bowed and gestured for me to follow. To my amazement, instead of trying to explain the way, he simply walked me all the way to the beach, chatting as we went. On arrival he bowed again, hands pressed together palm to palm, he wished me a wonderful night and disappeared. The Indonesians have to be the most gracious hosts I have ever met.

The party was a blast with not one but two local bands taking turns to entertain. Music from Elvis, through the Beatles, Queen and much more amazing stuff. One of the bands had done their homework and performed a superb rendition of Loslappie which brought the house down for us Saffies. The beers were bitterly cold and went down like nectar as did the Johnny Walker. I'm not sure what time I got to bed, but it was well after 02:00. I can get to like this place.

Re: If it's Tuesday it must be Bali

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:15 pm
by nan
wow the view... *sigh* all these little gardens are so... friendly O/\
right Balinese are Indonesian... but Balinese are very different, are simply Balineses ;-)
don't know if you understand what I want to say -O

with the heat and the humidity, we are quickly accustomed, the skin is so well, never, never dry... like a charm :-)