Gorongosa National Park

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Re: Gorongosa National Park

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Gorongosa National Park: from civil war to paradise

By Angus Begg• 15 October 2020

Angus Begg recounts the time he travelled to this sprawling game reserve, where Hollywood actors John Wayne, Gregory Peck and friends used to party in the 1950s and 60s.

Banking low over the thick spring-green woodland, packed like a sponge against the walls of a gorge lined with trees, the exhilarating rush of discovery blows in through the open door of the chopper.

We are deep in central Mozambique. There are no roads below. The helicopter is eating up kilometres of waving savanna, skimming fast over thick woodland and vast wetland channels.

We are filming an insert for South Africa’s premier investigative TV magazine programme on what I have convinced the executive producer is a remarkable story; the resurrection of a once significant game reserve where Hollywood actors John Wayne, Gregory Peck and friends used to party in the 1950s and 60s.

Below, hippos yawn in angry defiance in the water. Waterbuck leap, their coats heavy with water, and herds of sable veer left and right as one, marshaled by a large male.

The author’s 2007 TV shoot on which he came across the Gorongosa story (Photograph: Angus Begg)

We saw large herds of sable and covered varying landscapes – from floodplain to riverine gorges and wetlands on our first flight over Gorongosa – a journey of exploration (Photograph Angus Begg)

So we’re finally here, I say to myself as we land on the granite head of the gorge after a 20 minute flight, Gorongosa National Park…

That was in 2007.

I came upon destination Gorongosa, occupying 4,067 square kilometres of central Mozambique, at a travel trade show in Durban. The pictures on the little booth in the Mozambique section revealed photographs of mountains and vast floodplains, canoes on a river and hippos, lions and the smiling faces of villagers: images of what I would come to believe over the next decade to be the most compelling emerging destination in Africa.

They were the first pages of the unfolding story of one man’s passion for nature, people and making a difference. Greg Carr, an American philanthropist from a well-heeled Idaho family, had chosen to spend a significant sum on the park.

As Carr told Travel Africa magazine in 2015, “I’m a big believer in the spirituality of nature… I mean, when the deepest part of you connects to a love of nature and the great outdoors.”

With one hand, he had founded the Carr Centre for Human Rights at Harvard University in Massachusetts. With the other, he funded the resurrection of Gorongosa to the tune of about $50-million. And it wasn’t just about the wildlife.

Carr sees the development (and dignity) of people in tandem with conservation as critical. On that shoot, I saw and felt how easily and genuinely he connected and engaged with the local communities, over the 25 or so years of his involvement – creating a sense of identity and purpose in the local areas surrounding the park, where orange Gorongosa T-shirts are worn as symbols of pride.

This is in stark contrast to the 15 years (1977-92) of bitter and relentless Frelimo-Renamo conflict that had left the region impoverished.

Among the tasks facing Gorongosa’s rural communities was to rebuild not only themselves, but also this once famous national park, where some of the Hollywood set would come in the early 1960s to decompress from partying in the then Lourenco Marques’ (now Maputo) iconic Polana hotel.

Carr is of the firm conviction that, if a tourism project is to be successful, communities neighbouring a game reserve or national park have to be recognised and developed in tandem with conserving wildlife.

That’s pretty much how Gabriela (Gaby) Curtiz, 21, came to be Gorongosa’s first trained female guide.

Hailing from the area, Gaby interned for a year in 2017 on Gorongosa’s paleo-primate project. The following year she started her training as a guide in South Africa.

“Being a guide had a big impact on my family and friends. It’s rural here where we live next to the park, but still with distractions, and parents have their worries about their children’s education. My mother especially was very happy because I had this opportunity, and got hired as a fulltime employee at Gorongosa national park.”

With wildlife numbers up from 10,000 in 2010 to 100,000 today, there can be few finer places – walking or driving – to conduct a safari. Indeed, so plentiful was the game that early visitors to the park referred to it as “the place where Noah left his ark”.

Guiding is on hold for Gaby after she recently enrolled at Boise State University in Idaho, where she was accepted to study business administration and management. “To one day be more than a guide,” she tells me over Facebook from the US.

Images on her Facebook page show her in Idaho with both Carr and Matt Jordan, Gorongosa’s director of sustainable development in the national park. Both are clearly proud of this young rural Mozambican woman embarking on a journey many of her compatriots can only dream of.

“From my perspective, Greg is driven by a vision of the future,” says Jordan. “In his vision, the 200,000 people living around the park are thriving… The girls are all in school and can grow up without the risk of being married off.”

Gorongosa’s commitment to the upliftment of women in a traditionally patriarchal environment is reflected in one of the coffee brands being produced by what has become known as the Gorongosa Project.

Gorongosa-coffee brand packets of beans (Photograph: Morgan Weber)

From medium to dark roast beans, Girls Run The World sits alongside Elephants Never Forget and Speak for The Trees. Gabriella’s colleague, Dominique Gonçalves, was also born near the park in the year the war ended.

“My mother worked for the Red Cross during the war and she still tells me stories about the suffering of the people.”

Gonçalves, who is busy with a PhD by correspondence at Kent University in England, manages the park’s elephant ecology project. She notes that the Rio Earth Summit was also held in 1992, the year she was born.

“Two themes emerged; they explain (a) why we need national parks and (b) how to manage them. First, Rio delegates acknowledged that we are destroying the planet… that we are causing a mass extinction of species, and that if ecosystems fail, human economies will go down with them.

“Second, the Rio Summit set forth a guiding principle that indigenous people who live inside national parks and other protected areas can be a crucial part of the solution.”

Zimbabwean-born Test Malunga works with Gaby and Dominique, and would like to see himself as part of the solution. Currently working as activities manager at Gorongosa, Malunga started studying hotel operations and management in Zimbabwe before discovering, while doing his practicals at a game lodge, that “I have always been an outdoor person, hence guiding was the best area for me”. That was 17 years ago.

In that time, Malunga has worked mostly at Addo Elephant National Park and private game reserves in the Eastern Cape and Waterberg, qualifying as a field guide specialising in birding. It is a valuable skill in the avian paradise that is Gorongosa, considering that birding enthusiasts will travel almost anywhere to satisfy their checklist lust.

This time has prepared the 40-year-old Zimbabwean to manage activities at this vast national park, where he has been for three years now.

Beyond the ubiquitous game drives and walking safaris, Malunga cites a list of new activities for guests, among them canoeing on the Pungwe river, boating safaris on Lake Urema, visits to the waterfalls and coffee farm on Mount Gorongosa and cycling among communities south of the park.

Part of the old Chitengo camp, ripped apart by the 30 year civil war (Photograph: Angus Begg)

It is a wonderful open-air laboratory for researchers both in the field of water biochemistry, entomology – the study of bats. The Park also has an advanced laboratory equipped to perform DNA sequencing (Photograph Gorongosa media)

Gorongosa Rainforest (Photograph: Piotr Naskrecki)

Gorongosa Lions (Photograph: Brett-Kuxhausen)

Looking ahead, Malunga speaks of birding safaris to the rain forest on Mount Gorongosa and expeditions to the remarkable limestone gorges and caves I flew over on that very first visit in 2007.

Matt Jordan, who leads the organisation’s “rainforest coffee” and eco-tourism projects as part of his sustainable development portfolio, spoke of Carr’s philosophy of communities and tourism being essential to the future of conservation.

“We call this ‘transformative tourism’ and we aim to create an experience that transforms the guests and the communities we work in. We are already starting to see this with the training of community guides; individuals who are being given a platform to tell their story – the stories of the rivers, the trees, the names of places, the changes over time.”

The stories told by local characters are, unsurprisingly, a powerful thread in the Gorongosa narrative.

“I recently walked with one of these folks in Mount Gorongosa, and he told me the names of rivers and the history behind them. Rivers I had crossed hundreds of times, but this person now had a platform and we had a new way to amplify his voice.

“The whole experience was incredible and unforgettable”.

This young man with an engineering background and service in the Peace Corps says he has found his home in Mozambique, and clearly a sense of purpose too.

“The Gorongosa Project is perhaps the greatest wildlife restoration story ever told.”

With Chitengo camp fully restored, offering accommodation ranging from luxury suites to camping, and another camp due to open in early 2021, Gorongosa is a positive story in progress.

The borders with South Africa have just opened and a number of airlines are flying into Maputo. Africa’s most exclusive storytelling safari destination will soon be ready to welcome Africa enthusiasts in search of a rarely visited destination and compelling tales. DM/ML

For more information, visit the Gorongosa website.

Angus Begg is a private tour guide, media strategist and former producer of Carte Blanche. He is behind the first TV insert on Gorongosa (the restoration of) since the 1960s.

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Re: Gorongosa National Park

Post by Richprins »


There are many unspoiled jewels in Mozambique...some of the last in Africa thanks to the endless wars.

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Re: Gorongosa National Park

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Gorongosa Restoration Project: Changing lives, one organic bean at a time

By Angus Begg• 4 January 2021

The Gorongosa rainforest. (Photo: Piotr Naskrecki)

More than 2,000 girls educated, 250,000 large mammals thriving, 1 million rainforest trees planted. That’s the 2035 target set by Our Gorongosa, the key commercial pillar of the Gorongosa Restoration Project, established in central Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park in 2019.

Underpinning this initiative is coffee production, which, along with cashews, tourism and honey, is supporting sustainable development in the park, recognised as one of the most biodiverse places on Earth.

Tall, elegant and engaging, Gorongosa Natural Products’ (GNP’s) Maria Cabral exits her boardroom aircon meeting to chat.

We have a loose appointment, but a meeting nevertheless. We – me and guide-cum-driver Tonga Torcida – have just driven in from the GNP coffee plantations on Mt Gorongosa about 90 minutes away, to her office in the Mozambican town of Gorongosa, destination Gorongosa National Park, another hour down the road.

Cabral is in charge of quality control for the coffee and cashew value chains of Our Gorongosa, a local premium production (coffee included) initiative, started by the park to assist in funding the Gorongosa Restoration Project – the non-profit that runs the park’s human-development and restoration initiatives. Together they present a narrative that is imbued with layers of biodiversity, deforestation, endemic birds, girls’ education and rural poverty.

Maria Cabral, CEO of Gorongosa Natural Products. (Photo: Supplied)

More familiar with male government officials wearing ties and suits (even in debilitating African heat), I’d been expecting this sustainable coffee and cashew executive to be at least a little officious in her manner. She is anything but.

With a warm smile and sandalled feet, Cabral (“call me Maria”) ushers me out of the air-conditioned, single-storey building across a dirt road thick with 38 degrees Celsius of humidity, into the coffee-processing warehouse across the road.

It’s mid-afternoon, and workers leaning against the large barnhouse doors of the warehouse have that Friday style to their postures and conversation. Maria invites me to taste the coffee.

This coffee is one of the reasons I have made the journey here, via Maputo, Beira and the Gorongosa National Park. Having come across the beginnings of the Restoration Project when producing a television documentary in 2007, I have tracked the project’s progress.

The Gorongosa guide and activities head.

Our Gorongosa is today one highly focused prong of the multipronged fork that is the Restoration Project, a government-philanthropist effort aimed at tackling poverty and unemployment while growing biodiversity and conserving natural resources that are often under threat. It’s an insane cocktail, with ingredients to match.

In 2015, as the Our Gorongosa website explains, “The Gorongosa Project partnered with green bean coffee experts and local farmers to plant coffee and native rainforest trees on Mt Gorongosa. Today, more than 600 farmers are planting 200,000 coffee trees per year and 100,000 rainforest trees alongside them.”

Albeit about two hours from the national park proper, given its dedication to local people development and biodiversity, on seeing the encroaching destruction of the Mt Gorongosa rainforest the park management recognised that the poor surrounding subsistence farmers growing and earning income from coffee, while planting indigenous trees, provided a solution to its twin challenge of “people and parks”.

The three Gorongosa coffee brands are Elephants Never Forget, Girls Run The World and Speak for the Trees, all named with purpose and aligned with the Our Gorongosa mission (100% of the profits from their premium coffee, honey and cashew products go to the Gorongosa Project).

In mid-November I noticed that the brightly packaged bags of their coffees, from light to dark roast, had landed on the London shelves of premium UK retailer Waitrose. The backstory of bean to bag is long and complex, and inextricably linked to conservation.

Gorongosa lions. (Photo: Brett-Kuxhausen)

Smoke ‘n’ Fire

It’s burning season in Mozambique, when rural farmers burn the vegetation around their villages to plant crops before the rains. I’d seen trails of smoke emanating from the upper slopes of Mt Gorongosa earlier.

Maria says it’s all about education. “As well as providing financial inclusivity and stability, for any of our goals and projects as such to be successful.”

Well-worn words. Ever since the early 1990s, when Conservation Corporation (today it’s named &Beyond) started the Phinda Resource Reserve and the Madikwe Game Reserve was created as a socio-economic project in South Africa, those words have become the well-trodden paths of niche conservation thinking in sub-Saharan Africa.

Niche. Hardly mainstream. Unless we see Africa’s rural communities as “niche”, not the mainstream reality they are, expecting them to really buy into the practice of conservation – such as the role of rhino, wetlands and pangolin in the biodiverse miracle of nature – will be nigh impossible. Community buy-in needs to be the rule rather than the exception.

We saw large herds of sable and covered varying landscapes – from floodplain to riverine gorges and wetlands on our first flight over Gorongosa. (Photo: Angus Begg)

I told Maria about the smouldering fire I saw adjacent to the Our Gorongosa coffee farm headquarters, as we were leaving for our appointment. She sighs.

“Y’know, one day we were up there training, then a fire started next to the coffee plantations. Everyone stopped to go and put out the fire. It made me emotional that day. You know big changes are happening.”

I put it to her that maybe that’s because she’s the boss.

“No. The ones who put the fire out, they don’t even know I’m the boss. My immediate team knows, but no one else. Everyone was there, carrying anything they could find, buckets whatever. Everyone pitched in, men and women, because that’s where they live, they understand the dangers.”

Maria says those who have bought into the idea of growing coffee, which they then sell to the park, “have realised they are much better off growing coffee than potatoes”.

“They make a lot more money, and the rainforest benefits.”

On returning from the air-conditioned relief of the restroom, I hear Maria chatting to the two trainee guides who had accompanied me and Tonga to Mt Gorongosa; catching up, checking how they’re doing.

She speaks about combating the centuries-old rural practice of cutting down the forest to create farmland for potatoes or maize (much like the Amazon being felled for cattle grazing, although that being on a more industrial scale), which adds to the challenge of deforestation around the biodiversity hotspot of Mt Gorongosa itself. She says that to a large degree it is about dealing with personalities.

Bicycles were unheard of in the villages around Gorongosa before the restoration project began (Photograph Angus Begg)

“And a huge mentality change. We have to do this in the short run, for us to be able to get the certifications.”

Maria says they have applied for various international certifications, to be recognised as organic coffee, acknowledging that they are under pressure.

“Rainforest Alliance, for example. It is about forest protection. How do you show immediately that forests are not being harmed here?”

The good thing, says Maria, is that these organisations already understand the African context. “Especially in places like this. We have to work hard for them to understand how different it is.”

Mozambique is indeed so “different” that its citizens were “famously”, according to a World Trade Organisation (WTO) 2001 document, reputed to be living on $2 a day.

Beyond the global economic crisis before 2020, the country has had more than its fair regional share of challenges; almost annual cyclones, the Covid-19 pandemic, lack of investor confidence and distant isolated pockets of instability among them.

Gorongosa coffee brand packets of beans (Photo: Morgan Weber)

For these reasons, says Gorongosa’s sustainability programme manager Matthew Jordan, it is critical to stimulate investment in Mozambique’s tourism sector, “particularly in areas like Gorongosa National Park, which are poised to support not only job creation and economic growth, but fundamental human development, conservation and peace and stability in the region”.

An engineer by profession with extensive development experience, including a stint with the Peace Corps in Mozambique, Jordan says that in practical terms “Mozambique has been losing out on the potential to create jobs and generate real revenue for the country”. He says statistics reveal the country attracts six times fewer intercontinental travellers than the rest of Africa, and far fewer leisure travellers than its neighbours.

The author’s 2007 TV shoot on which he came across the Gorongosa story. (Photo: Angus Begg)

In Gorongosa, a “new approach is gaining traction and showing how Mozambique has the potential to stand out as a global destination”.

Jordan says the Gorongosa Project’s Ecotourism Programme aims to address the challenges facing the park, and using “the unbelievable biodiversity and beauty of the landscape” can create a unique opportunity for “creating a globally renowned tourism product”.

I don’t tell him that wearing my other hat as a private guide, I have envisaged an itinerary including Gorongosa, Maputo and one of the islands as the next big niche attraction on the African tourist landscape.

Jordan speaks of exposing guests to “transformational experiences in nature”.

He says the key activities of this ecotourism programme, reminiscent of a mini Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of Europe after World War 2, are the “skills building and training for local staff… to fill permanent and dignified positions of employment”, while developing tourism infrastructure and promoting Gorongosa and Mozambique as tourism destinations. Wherever I travel in and around the park, I see national park vehicles, people training, delivering, helping.

The driving force behind the Gorongosa National Park, philanthropist Greg Carr, has meanwhile signed an agreement with the mayor of Gorongosa to create a “Model Village”.

“The people who live there will tell us [what it is]: they say: safe, clean streets, nice markets, schools, health clinics and opportunities for work in ‘green’ industries, a public library, playgrounds and more. As the largest employer, it is Gorongosa Park’s responsibility to help the village achieve its vision.”

This is the town where Maria works, where the coffee-processing factory is.

“I joined for the social impact,” she says, saying she “fell in love” with the Gorongosa Project’s mission.

“Creating livelihoods, financial inclusion through food and agriculture, that’s what I do,” her words trailing off on the rich aroma of freshly ground coffee in the air. DM168

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Re: Gorongosa National Park

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Re: Gorongosa National Park

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by Greg Carr, Wednesday, 21 April 2021


The following is the foreword by Greg Carr to a recently re-published thesis by Dr Ken Tinley who developed an ecological model for Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique. The magnificent thesis was completed in 1977 and remains relevant to this day.


I saw Gorongosa National Park for the first time from a helicopter on March 30, 2004. It looked magnificent from above. There were multiple forest and woodland types, grasslands, rivers, a lake, and fascinating geological formations. When we landed, however, it was clear we had trouble. The historic Chitengo Camp lay in ruins—former buildings were rubble. Where tourists once wandered, burned-out vehicles lay amongst grass that was higher than my head. That year, the Mozambican government asked me to help restore Gorongosa, once one of the most popular wildlife parks in all of Africa.

Click on the title in order to read the whole story.

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