Is there a connection?

Information & discussion on the Rhino Poaching Pandemic
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Is there a connection?

Post by iNdlovu »

The new Colonials have arrived
Noseweek issue 157

Without as much as a whisper, the South African government allowed at least 400,000 Chinese to swamp the country during the past 6 years. Chinese migrants, mainly from the overpopulated Fujian province in China, have been shipped off to SA at an alarming rate. Spreading all over the country, even in the remotest parts, between 6000 and 12,000 "Chinese Shops" sprang up - indicating that the phenomenon is well-orchestrated by both China & South Africa.

Prof Colin McCarthy, retired from the University of Stellenbosch, first noted the "Chinese colonization". Says Prof McCarthy: " All the evidence indicates that the project to set up an extensive network of Chinese shops, all following the same pattern and targeting the same market, was well researched, well planned, well organized and well financed".

The young, unemployed couples from Fujian province settled into the network - pushing up cheap Chinese plastics, products and clothing into a lucrative retail chain, far bigger than Pick 'n Pay, Pep Stores or Edgars. And to make matters worse: most of the Chinese shops are not registered and do not pay any taxes in South Africa; not even import or export duties - in fact, China puts its clothing exports to South Africa at R11,3 billion in 2010; while South Africa's failing statistics put the Chinese clothing imports at only R6,7 billion! This means that in one single year, R4,6 billion worth of Chinese clothing entered South Africa illegally.

A south African Revenue Services employee spilled the beans on a small Chinese shop in a rural area where, when raided by SARS, R1,2 million was found under the counter in cash.

Janet Wilhelm of the HSRC observes: "It is amazing how so many people can enter the country seemingly unnoticed!" She quotes the SAPS alliens Investigation Unit as saying "Many Chinese travel to South Africa via Mbabane, Maputo, and Maseru from where they enter South Africa with false ID's by road".
Patrick Chong, chairman of the Chinese Association of South Africa, says " Many would enter on tourist or student visas then simply say".

Researchers of Noseweek followed the Chen family, where one pioneer settled illegally in South Africa, spreading within 4 years to 172 members of the family, scattered across Lesotho trading Chinese products.

What is even more mind boggling is that the South Africa ANC government officially proclaimed Chines as "honorary blacks", making them exempt from affirmative action, quotas and BEE.
The whole Chinese experiment has been carefully planned, criminally enhanced, and no doubt....vast sums of money are involved, lining pockets of very influential South African politicians.
It is ironic that while populists like Malema and Shivangu walk about claiming "land and minerals for the South African people", the ANC government has allowed at least 400,000 Chinese and at least 10 million illegals from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Mozambique, Angola and now also Zambia, into the country.

Scary!!!!!! And this happened as the increase in rhino and other poaching started! Coincidental? Or are some of these people the middlemen in the poaching catastrophe.

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Re: Is there a connection?

Post by Amoli »

I was told of this influx about a year ago, and that the gov sets them up in shops and finances them.
He was told the story by his Bank Manager. 0*\ As this was on a basis of hearsay, I did not repeat it.


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Re: Is there a connection?

Post by Flutterby »

They have taken over a whole shopping centre near to us, selling absolute rubbish...and of course none of them can speak English!!! 0*\ 0*\

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Re: Is there a connection?

Post by Mel »

Reminds me of a classic German poem that includes the lines

"The ghosts that I called I can't get rid off anymore now"


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Re: Is there a connection?

Post by Sprocky »

Here in Phala they have bought PMC. There is no housing available now at all, and they are talking of the need for another 700 houses. O/

Sometimes it’s not until you don’t see what you want to see, that you truly open your eyes.

Re: Is there a connection?

Post by Duke »


His Holiness The Dalai Lama cannot get a visa for our country -O- :-?

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Re: Is there a connection?

Post by Richprins »

In the old days, Taiwanese Chinese immigrants were declared "honorary whites" by that government... =O: =O: =O:

I know, my best friend in primary school was Chinese, and another in High School boarding house! :-)

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