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Addo Elephant NP: Lions

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:18 pm
by Toko
HeraldLive: Panic search for orphaned cubs
December 31, 2014

RANGERS at the Addo Elephant National Park are desperately scouring the park’s 180 000 hectares for three orphaned lion cubs that are feared to be on the brink of starvation.

Their plight came to the attention of park staff after the lion cubs lost their mother, Gina, about five weeks ago to a suspected snake bite, SANParks regional communications manager Fayroush Ludick said.

“We estimate that Gina died about five weeks ago. It could possibly have been a snake bite, but we are not at all sure what the cause of death was. It could be a list of different things, as we only found her skull and collar. Nothing else remained of her.

“The cubs were last seen on December 20 by a visitor [Jacqui Brill]. Staff have been trying since then to locate them.

Re: Panic search for orphaned lion cubs

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:17 am
by nan
good luck :-(

Re: Panic search for orphaned lion cubs

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:41 am
by Dzombo
Maybe best if nature takes its course? -O-

Re: Panic search for orphaned lion cubs

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:34 pm
by Mel
Maybe, Dzombo, but I think it's kinda an act of desperation after all those years without little cubs. :-(

Either way, it's a sad thing to happen...

Re: Panic search for orphaned lion cubs

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:12 am
by Toko
Here an official update from today's issue of Park-Thusiasts newsletter for news from the Frontier Region of South African National Parks.
It’s been a while since three furry little creatures caused as much hype and made national news, but Addo Elephant National Park’s lion cubs proved they were extraordinary by surviving on their own without mom, Gina, for weeks.
It’s suspected Gina died of a snake bit, orphaning the three. It also appears as if the other lioness, Josie, took them in and cared for them until she had cubs of her own. The siblings were last photographed by a guest in mid-December – looking terribly thin and withered. Posted on Facebook, the pics garnered widespread interest and concern, which saw people coming into the Park specifically to look for the trio and offering their services in the search for them. Local and national print and broadcast media also closely followed developments, appealing to visitors and prospective visitors to report any sightings to the Park’s conservation staff.
A number of leads were received, which saw dedicated staff follow up on each one in the hope of finding the youngsters alive. Conservation Manager, John Adendorff, even spent time in the air conducting aerial searches for the siblings. Days of searching yielded no results, and the search was eventually called off early in the new year. Adendorff predicted they wouldn’t have been able to survive and fend for themselves for longer than four weeks. Staff and friends of the Park were devasted.
But on the afternoon of Saturday 10 January, a new spark was lit when a Gorah guide alerted rangers that he may have spotted the three. Although sceptical, they still went out and miraculously found them – albeit severely malnourished and lethargic. News of their survival travelled fast, as good news does, and turned what was a bleak start to the new year into one with renewed hope.
The cubs were darted and placed in a boma, where they received immediate medical attention.

Now about nine months old, the one male (Samson) and two females (Lara and Shireen), will spend the next few months in a camp to grow and perfect their hunting skills, before they’re ready to be set free in a larger area. Their futures will only be decided then – whether or not to keep them in Main Camp, move them to another section of Addo or relocate them to another park.

Re: Addo Elephant NP: Orphaned Lion Cubs

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:06 am
by nan
:ty: Toko... 0/0

Re: Addo Elephant NP: Orphaned Lion Cubs

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:28 pm
by Flutterby
Good news. \O

Re: Addo Elephant NP: Orphaned Lion Cubs

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:17 pm
by Mel
So, they got names now as well. Like them. \O

Re: Addo Elephant NP: Orphaned Lion Cubs

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:34 pm
by Lisbeth
^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Addo Elephant NP: Orphaned Lion Cubs

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:51 pm
by Polentswa
One escaped today but they dragged a carcass as bait and he finally came back into the enclosure ..They are being moved to a bigger area next week to learn to hunt