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Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:22 pm
by Dewi
We found Lions within 5 minutes of entering the park. O/\ O/\ O/\

I loved the place, maybe not Kruger for the solitude of the far North you get there, but the camp and food were excellent. Think we paid R1,200 for dinner, breakfast and lunch all inclusive (got a special rate) in a really nice chalet. Staff were excellent (so have KNP's been with us to be fair) and the scenery in Pilanesberg is an added bonus. \O


Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:34 pm
by steamtrainfan
Ok lets get back on track here..

TT continued.

My head had hardly hit the pillow when my celphone rang. It was still dark and I struggled to find my phone as I had got all wrapped up in my bedding like a mummy. I had not found my phone when it stopped ringing and Joans started. By now we were both fully awake, still struggling to get out of the bedding, and Joan had found her phone. It was ADT our security company advising that our alarm was going off and was everything alright. Told them we were away, forgot to do this before we left, and told them to phone the housesitter. We were now VERY wide awake and saw that the time was 05:00. We decided to stay awake and phone the housesitter to find out if all was ok. He apologised saying that he had pressed the wrong button when getting up resulting in the alarm going off. What a night, shouting and swearing until late night and then an early phone call to really make our night added to the fact that we were still trying to fight our way out of our sheets and blankets. Ahhhh well, may as well stay awake now and go out at 06:30.

First stop was on Tau Link and looing back over Mankwe Dam.

Not much to be seen except for the regulars. Popped in at Rathlogo Hide and took this shot from the walkway of the moon between trees.

Found a hippo right under the hide. Almost lost my glasses, hat and camera trying to get this shot.

Joan took this reflection shot including the moon - hope you can see it.

On Thutlwa Loop we came across this ellie grazing peaceful. The first thing we do is check if he has a tail. This one had a tail - GOOD.

Heading towards Pilanesberg Centre for breakfast on Tlou Drive we came across some zebra two of which, a mommy and youngster, were eating the sand. on in Pilanesberg with animals eating bones and then sand. 0- 0- 0-

Mommy eating sand.

How do you like my new lipstick shade?????

On arrival at Pilanesberg Centre our tummies were crying out for a lovely breakfast. We had just got out the car when the driver of a game drive vehicle came up to us and asked if we had seen the leopard on Safara Drive. Hunger forgotten he told us whereabouts it was and off we went. Only one other vehicle there. They very kindly explained to us where the leopard was and we thanked them. Not easy to see but Joan had seen and was trying to explain to me where it was. To the left of the green bush, now third branch to the right and just below that. I eventually spotted it and Joan got this shot. Hope you can see it.

We sat watching for about 20 minutes with our tummies objecting most profusely. Suddenly it sat up for a few seconds and the disappeared. Joan managed to fire off a few shots. This is the best one on full 500mm.

We returned to Pilanesberg Centre for a long awaited breakfast. Toasted bacon and egg sandwiches in a triple layer sandwich.

Next - The trip back to Manyane for lunch break.


Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:49 pm
by steamtrainfan
While having breakfast Joan got the following photos from the deck.

Arrow-marked babbler.


A young wildebeest also having some breakfast.

This mongoose came trotting by only stopping briefly enough for Joan to fire off one shot.

Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler.

We took the Dithabaneng Drive back to camp.
At Malatse Dam hide we saw these hippo lazing in the sun with two varieties of duck swimming past.

Also this fellow busy with a bite to eat.

Waterbuck seen from the hide.

A lady waterbuck walks past the lazing hippos.

A Magpie Shrike seen in a tree back at camp.

Next - Our afternoon drive.


Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:34 pm
by steamtrainfan
For our afternoon drive we took Mankwe Way around to Mankwe Hide.

Took this photo of two Eland as they not often seen in Pilanesberg.

A lovely mommy rhino with the most amazing horn and gorgeous baby.

At Mankwe Hide we saw this juvenile crocodile basking in the sun.

Then big daddy a little further along.

This waterbuck thought he would get a bit closer to the crocodile and we thought we were in for some action. But it was not to be, the waterbuck turned around and walked off. We were left wondering if the croc would have taken the waterbuck had it got any closer?

Although the crocodile did not make a kill we did see this pied kingfisher make his.

A duckling paddling around in the late afternoon light.

We left Mankwe Hide as it was getting late. Not far from the hide we saw this fish eagle in beautiful light but far away with an assortment of water birds around him.Joan fired off a lot of shots and these were about the best heavily cropped.


We got back to camp and once again our braai had not been cleaned. After burning the grate off we settled down to a good old fashioned braai/

Next - Our final morning.


Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:21 pm
by steamtrainfan
Our last day actually started off just after midnight with my phone ringing again. This time I did manage to unravel myself from the bedding and find my phone. It was ADT again saying that our alarm was going off. Again we asked them to phone our house sitter. We waited a few minutes and then phoned the house sitter. He thinks our alarm system has lost its marbles as he did everything as usual and the alarm would not stop ringing. Eventually ADT switched it off from their side. Eventually at about 01:00 we managed to settle down again. Thank goodness the youngsters in their tents were quiet tonight. The alarm went off at 05:00 only to find out that Joan was awake. She said that she had been awake most of the night as between my snoring she heard lions roaring. So between her shingles, my snoring and the lions roaring she did not get much sleep. After packing the car we headed for the gate. When we asked the guard where the lions were he said about 2 kms down Dithabeng Drive Sure enough there were two males. We were told by another guy that there was also a female with four tiny cubs and he had seen them in the road and that there were another two males, besides the two we saw, that were causing all the roaring. He showed us some photos he had taken of the cubs. They were very very small. What a wonderful to start a morning, parked on a dirt road with lions roaring on both sides of the road. Although we could not see all of them the sound effects were fantastic. We watched these two while trying to find mommy and her cubs but she had disappeared. We had arrived on the scene just after 06:30 and hung around until about 07:45 when the roaring had quietened and the lions no more to be seen.

Here is a series of photos of the two males. At first they were too close for Joan to take photos as she had the 500mm lens on. I whipped out my mik and druk Nikon slim line and started taking random photos.





Our visit was complete - we had now seen 4 of the big 5. Buffalo are more rare to see than leopard in Pilanesberg.

Pilanesberg Centre for breakfast we found the wildebeest still hanging around.

A general view over the waterhole from Pilanesberg Centre deck.

This guy had his beady eye on our breakfast.

Another of my favourite birds - Crimson-breasted shrike.

Two youngsters playing.

We are unable to find this one in our Roberts.

Next - Final few pics from our drive to the gate.


Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:25 pm
by Toko
Nice lion guys ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ but my fav is the hornbill, a really good-looking species O:V O:V O:V .

The last birdie is a Kalahari Scrub-Robin :-) .


Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:35 pm
by steamtrainfan
After a most enjoyable breakfast we drove up to Ratlhogo Hide and sat there for a while.

Some wildebeest drinking.

A hippo in a reflective mood.

Some impala with a black backed jackal in the back ground.

We saw this small bird on the side of the road. It looked like a quail of sorts but we could be wrong. Sorry about the photo but he just would not show his head. Can anyone id this bird?

Time to drive toward Bakubung gate. Popped in at Hippo Loop where Joan got this lovely shot of a brown hooded kingfisher.

Further down Kubu Drive we saw a herd of ellies quite far in the bush but thought it would make quite a nice photo.

And two youngsters playing.

On reaching Kubu Dam we decided that it was far too early to leave yet so we took the Kgama Drive to make our stay last a little longer.

At the highest point on this drive a we saw some waterbuck , one of which posed so nicely for Joan showing off both assets for which waterbuck are known.

The another one walked up and asked to be photographed with his mate.

A most enjoyable and entertaining two days. Thanks so much to everybody for your positive comments.


Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:43 pm
by Toko
Lovely [O] of the Waterbuck ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ and again nice birdies, I like the Brown-hooded Kingfisher O:V O:V O:V

The brown small one looks like a Rattling Cisticola to me, without guarantee.