Moving from Nikon to Canon after 40 HAPPY years

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Re: Moving from Nikon to Canon after 40 HAPPY years

Post by Alf »

I think all the Mods are doing a great job here. If it wasn't for them this forum won't be alive ^Q^ ^Q^

Next trip to the bush??

Let me think......................
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Re: Moving from Nikon to Canon after 40 HAPPY years

Post by nan »

agree... even me with a good connection has problems to open big size ....

well..., welcome to the Canon side
I got the new 100x400 and it's really a very nice lens \O

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Re: Moving from Nikon to Canon after 40 HAPPY years

Post by leachy »

Polentswa wrote:
LETS KEEP IT REAL!!!! REGARDING PIC size ..This is AFRICA..lets keep Moderators local ..I had major problems with 'foreign Mods ' on SPF ..Not again please ..I size my pics at 1000 for other forums and do a special favour here by doing a 2nd copy at 900 about ..lets not be pedantic and MOVE on and join the program and the MODERN world of OTHER forums who PREFER 1000 Plus longest side on a Pic
this has got to be one of the silliest comments that i have seen in a long time.....

:-? :-? :-? :-?

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Re: Moving from Nikon to Canon after 40 HAPPY years

Post by Grumpy »

These posts have moved off-topic, and I would like too bring it back - if for nothing else, to understand the rationality of moving from Nikon to Canon after so many years.

Clearly you have (have had/still have) top-of-the-line Nikon equipment and have been able to capture wonderful wildlife images, as witnessed by many on both this and other forums. Surely, in the past forty-odd years, you have been able to single out your favourite lenses at certain focal lengths, be they for sharpness, flexibility, and/or even convenience? I can speculate that you have at least owned the "Nikon Trinity", the 200-400 f4, several top-of-the-range telephoto lenses (300, 400, 500 and 600), and a whole bunch of other lenses in between. You may even have got rid of many over the years, in order to replace them with (what may have seemed to be at the time) a more relevant focal length, or better (for whatever reason) lens for your specific needs at the time. Can I speculate that you have continually upgraded your Nikon bodies over the years as new digital technologies were released, and probably had more than one or two cameras at any time, to be used a for different purposes, or possibly as a backup body / second body?

When comparing like-for-like in the range of lenses that both Nikon and Canon offer, there is often a difference in price, with the Nikon often being more expensive than the Canon equivalent. I will admit, there are a few cases where Nikon does not offer the same or a similar lens that is in the Canon range, but is is unlikely that such a shortcoming is likely to drive someone from one brand to the other - so why change? Camera technologies are continually enhanced, and while Canon certainly has a bigger slice of the marketing pie in South Africa, Nikon currently seems to pip Canon in the technology field, albeit at a higher local retail price - so why change? Is there something that Canon offers that you simply have to have, that you cannot do without, and that Nikon is never likely to bring to market in the next few years? Without an explanation, it defies logic. I cannot understand how building up a complete set of Canon photographic equipment from scratch is going to cost you R200,000.00 LESS than simply adding to what is clearly already a vast array of Nikon gear that has served you well over the past forty-odd years.

A final thought - Using the top-of-the-range Canon or Nikon equipment in any given situation, I would challenge 99.9% of people to consistently identify which system was used to capture the image, when similar post-processing and/or printing techniques are used to produce the final output. Unless there are images that you currently CANNOT capture with any Nikon equipment that you would capture with Canon equipment, I can only speculate that you suffer from GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome - an incurable disease from which many photographers suffer.

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Re: Moving from Nikon to Canon after 40 HAPPY years

Post by Polentswa »

All wrong Grumpy ..3 years ago because of Financial needs I had to sell my low light D3S and 500 Nikkor and 70-200 Nikkor. I purchased the D800 and 80-400 in their place The D800 is 36 m Pixels = crammed pixels = noise and can only go to 6400 ISO and the 80-400 has an average speed of 5.6 @ 400mm ..Not good at gate opening time in Aug @ 06h00 Compare the dark maxed out at 6400 Auto ISO pic with the D800 and 80-400 ..NOISE deluxe and under exposed as the ISO needed to be higher


It underexposed as I needed more ISO

A year earlier I took this male lion at exactly the same time and with a fast 500 and a D3s that used to shoot Noise FREE at 12 800 ISO I was in business


Properly exposed and noise free as the cameras ISO ability and lower pixel count allowed low light shooting

If I was a day visitor getting in an hour later than Park camp opening time or like my wife likes to lie in while I go out at gate opening then my current kit is just fine (Fair weather Kit )

So Grumpy I have to sell all my current kit and purchase a D4S and repurchase the same model 500 as I had for starters ... However Canon phoned me and we did the sums ..R 25K difference on retail price Canon equivalent on the camera D4S vs 1DX. and R40 K cheaper on the Canon 500 F4 for starters and the current Canon is way better than the Current Nikon 500 f4..Then there is the Canon discount negotiated ..a No Brainer nothing to do with GAS or whatever ..PURE economics and better kit at this point in time..So I am starting from scratch and it is a good time to switch as a result based on price performance as of today

Mabuasehube and Caprivi are calling
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